The National Invitational Tournament of Champions is the national tournament hosted by Stoa every year in May. Qualified students from around the country are invited to participate against students from all across the nation. This is a weeklong event culminating with an awards ceremony Saturday evening.

NITOC Qualification:
A student must have at least two green check marks in an event in order to qualify for NITOC. For debate, this means that a debate team must be in the top 38th percentile for that event at a tournament. For speech, this means that a student must place in the top 40th percentile (30% for Impromptu) for that event at a tournament. Stoa then sends an email to qualified students at the end of the season inviting them to attend NITOC.

NITOC Travel:
NITOC is held at a different location every year to try to meet the needs of families across the country. Past locations have included Dallas, TX; Greenville, SC; and San Diego, CA; Jackson, TN, among other locations. This year, NITOC is at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK. Families are responsible for all travel associated with attending NITOC.